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Darma Zhanaevich Zhanaev
Darma Zhanaevich Zhanaev was born on October second, nineteen seven. In Hoden – Bilchir village, Khorinskiy regin, Buryatia republic in the of poor peasant – cattle – breeder family of many children.
Zhana Sanzhieyev, his father, was busy with sheep – breeding. Darma’s mother died when he was about a year.
He did not learn, because at that time there was no free training schools for poor buryats.Till 1923 Darma helped his father about the house and sheep – breeding. Then he worked a herdsman and was busy with his self – education. In December 1923 he came to Verkhneudinsk ( today it is Ulan – Ude) to studys at the political courses. In 1926 Khorinski VKP (b) send him studys in Irkutsk. In August 1931 he went to Moscow and entered the Institute of mechanization and electrication of agriculture.
In desember 1938 aafter ending the Institute he began to work at aircraft factory in Ulan – Ude as an engineer of energy. Soon D. Zhanaev was transfared for the post of chief of power office of department of main power engineering, where he had worked till the beginning of the Great Patriotic War.
After the declaration of the treacherous attack of fascist to our motherland, D.Zhanaev went to the recruitment office at once. But he got refusal, because he had an armour.
But Zhanaev was very persistent. On the 19th of December 1941 he was called up to the raws of Worker – peasant Red Army and was sent to the in force army as a commander of sapper platoon.
He got the first militant assignment mining of ford near the village of Valuhovo. For this operation Zhanaev gothis reward the medal « За отвагу».
Soon Zhanaev was assigned as a chief of engineering service of the twenty third guards Васильковский the Red Banner brigade.
Courageous and cool in militant situations, captain Zhanaev could raise militant morale of warriors of engineering subunits of brigade. Certificates of this are militant rewards orders of the Patriotic War of the first and second degrees the order of the Red Banner, order of Lenin. Everybody from his brigade loved him for resource and engineering talent. The war went to its logical end.
During the forcing of canal Teltov (near Berlin), captain Zhanaev dismined sector for the infantry and artillery. On the 25th of April 1945 he received bad wound. In spite of that he continued to lead works of sappers. Only by order of the command captain Zhanaev left his work and went to the medical treatment. Wound he had was fatal for Zhanaev. He didn’t live to the Victory day only few days.
Captain D.Zh.Zhanaev got the title of the Hero of the USSR for displaying heroism and his exceptional desertses.
On the 26th June 1945 captain Zhanaev was awarded the title of the Hero of USSR posthumously by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the USSR.
The people of Buryatia honour the memory of their fellow – countryman reverently. His name is joined the collective of the aircraft factory, where he worked till the Great Patriotic War and went to the front from it.
Our recreation park and one of the streets in our town are named in honor of D.Zh.Zhanaev The pupils of our school take care of the park after D.Zh.Zhanaev We clean it every autumn and spring. There is the monument to D.Zhanaev near the park, which is always clean by the intensification of our schoolchildren. Every Victory Day the pupils are on duty there and enjoy the eternal fire. We are very glad seeing many people, who come there to honor the memory of the Hero, D.Zhanaev, who bring flowers to him and tell about his life and his heroism to their children. We are proud of him and do our best to keep the memory of him among the citizens of our town and the republic.
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