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 НАЗАД Montgomery Alameynskiy Bernard Lou

      Name:Montgomery Bernard
      The birthplace: London
      Date of birth: 17.11.1887.
      Military forces: Terrestrial
      Awards:order of Victory, Syvorov's order 1st degree, Lord of all british orders.

            Combat youth
      Bernard Montgomery was born in 17 November in 1887 in bishop's family. In 1889 Bernard's father leave England with family and they settled in Tasmania, in Australia. He received alementary education in Sen-Poul. In 1908 he graduated away special military school in Sandherst. He had reputation of bad puple, because he was very teased, very often he fought with another puples. He have a wish to serve in Indian army, because Indian militaries persons get a good profit and money. But this wish was not done, then he stared to serve in Royal Yorkseres regiment. Some times later he started to serve in India. In start of First World War he was wounded in first fight, then he started to serve in staff as a staff's officer of 104's brigade. He showed his person on this war: he was very brave officer and good staff's worker. He was rewarded for fighting merit and his rank become captain. Montgomery fought near Somme in 1915. Skills and abilities which he got, learnt him to value health of simple soldier. He started planed his operations very carefully. Then he got a rank of geneal and contoled 5 and 12 military cops in the territory of England. In 1942 he controled 8 english army in North Africa where he fought against italian and germans armies.
      In January 1944 Montgomery was appointed to control the group of armies which landed in Normandy in 6 June. This landing operation is known as D-day(Overlord) in history of Second World War. Montgomery arrived to England in 2 January and the situation has changed. He found out this appointion only in10 days. Next day on 9.00 pm. He listened to the report of officers about the plan of operation "Overlord". This briefing was in the new staff in St.Poul's school in Hummersmith, where he was a puple many years ago. Montgomery has been known about information of operation "Overlord". He observed the plan of operation in Algiers and listened to Churchill's opinion. After the officers report about operation he come to the tribune and smashed this plan without any problems. Montgomery has attained many results for short period of time, put very important, convincing donation on this plan of operation "Overlord". He attained and affirmed that new plan of operation is only his creation, creation of his views and nobody else. Montgomery's private journeys were very important and essential for strengthening of spirit - Americans and English soldiers appreciated it. Montgomery has been using his energy for meetings and inspections in his armies for May and June. Extending step along the lines, astuting glance, short commands and invitation to meet near general, standing in the jeep, crude, loud clamations - all of these actions were very scenic and natural. Some officer said oneday: "Soldiers were meeting Montgomery with great feelings". Montgomery said to his soldiers that enemy had many divisions, but they were very feeble and did't have some equipment for fighting and staff: "There were all shop window and they did't have nothing on the stock". He said to Americans soldiers that he was very glad and he thought that it was very big honour for him to serve with Eizenhower. Oneday 12000 Americans soldiers from 2nd tank division, met on the football stadium in camp Tiduort in Hampshere, to listen to Montgomery. He commaned:" take off your helmets" - and all soldiers did it except general Moris Rouse, standing near the jeep."And you, general" - said Montgomery. He made short pause and slowly observe huge mass of people, then he said: " OK, put on your helmets. Next time, when we met, I will know all of you! ". It was fantastic scene. Montgomery left France and forsake people, which believed his skills and abilities, in England, to make invasion in real life. Noone his critics can not deny the importance of his donatation in preparation of operation "Overlord"; noone general can not attain such results. One of the Montgomery's donatations in preparation of operation is his very elaborate, might arrangement of experienced soldiers 8 army, in armies which had no so experience and were not well-tried. Before D-day alles bombarded rail stations and warehouses of fuel in zones of landing. The result of this bombardment was chaos on the german's positions and communications. After this, minesweepers made gangways in mine filds. Only after this work, operation "Overlord" has started. It was the main merit of field-marshal Montgomery of Alamein.
            Life after victory
      After victory in the war Montgomery was appointed to control armies in Germany. In 1945-1948 he was chief of General staff, in 1958 he got the retirrment. On military history of Second World War Montgomery is a main and huge English military person.


          Bernard Montgomery was born in London His father, bishop of Tasmania transported his two years old son to Australia in 1908-finished military school in Sound hers. Montgomery acquired reputation of a brave officer and good stuffy worker during bloody war on the west front. At the beginning of war (1939-1940 years) his infantry division, landed in France defended a Belgian taunts of Liven persistently from German troops. Montgomery had gotten promoted general rank for battle distinctions. Beginning from august, 1942, he was set a commander of the 8 ht English army, acting in the North Africa after victories in North Africa Montgomery’s army participated in Sicily landing operation. The bight English army had glorified in the fight for the Island Sicily by capture of a port town of Syracuse. In January 1944, Montgomery was ruled from the South Italy and he was set a commander of group of union armies, landing in Normandy. Montgomery‘s landing operation is the greatest merit of Field Marshal Montgomery before Britain empire in the Second World War. After the victory in Normandia Montgomery’s troops had fought against Fascist’s troops in the territory of Belgium, the Netherlands and the North – West Germany. The latest operation of Montgomery during the sound world War was Rhine – Rur. He commanded the group of armies as the second English, the first Canadian and the American. On the fourth of May 1945 Field Marshal Montgomery accepted a capitulation of Fascist troops in the North – West Germany, Denmark and the Netherlands. Montgomery Alameynskiy Bernard Lou was decorated by the all of the best medals of Great Briain, also the best soviet generally order “Victory” and order of Suvorov. Bernard Montgomery was eighty eight years old, when he died on the twenty fifth of March, 1976. His purpose and general talent excited respect of everybody, who served with him.

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