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History of "The Polar escort "
Starting the story about «The Polar escort», rallied Russian and English seamen who participated in escorts during the Second world war, first of all it is necessary to recollect that occured equally 60 years back.
The British destroyer accompanying an escort.
Photo from a site ef.1939-1945.net
"Dervish" - so the first allied escort which has arrived to the Soviet port in May, 1941 was called. Then to Arkhangelsk has come 6 transports with the weapon from the allied countries and nine English ships protection. On moorings have unloaded bombs, mines, rubber, a wool and 15 containers in which there were British fighters "Harrikeyn". In total two thousand miles, or less than two weeks, transition of allied escorts from ports of Britain and Iceland up to Murmansk or Arkhangelsk borrowed. But what price gave these miles through the storming polar seas larded by the German submarines moreover in conditions of constant threat from air! You see the maximum of half an hour was required to planes Ljuftvaffe that, having risen with air stations of Northern Norway, to put the mortal blow. As a result, in percentage terms losses here surpassed losses of the Atlantic escorts almost in eight times! It is no wonder, that allies called this route precisely “a cold corner of a hell”. But it was not only dangerous, but also the shortest, that in critical for the period of war it appeared a determinative. After "Dervish" the whole series of escorts has gone to the USSR...
June, 27, 1942 Reykjavik was left by the most notorious in a history of war escort PQ-17, July, 4 the ships were in part destroyed by forces of the opponent or disseminate, and even the whole month the staying on плаву reached in ports of Arkhangelsk and Murmansk. PQ-17 is a tragedy, To carry away lifes, but not hopes. From thirty six courts twenty four were destroyed, and together with them - hundred thousand tons of military and food cargoes (by the way, these deliveries would suffice to arm the whole army or to rescue Staligrad as the English seamen mark); 300 militarians were lost or taken prisoner.
In total for years of war to Arkhangelsk and Murmansk has come 42 allied escorts. Thus more than 100 courts were sunk. Our country has lost in escorts over 30 thousand person, allies - 5 thousand.
In a history of joint actions of allies nice pages are entered many. That there is, for example, one only operation on elimination to " a constant headache of Admiralty ” - German линкора "Tirpic". Its success was caused not only skill of the English pilots who have flied up from air station Jagodnik near Arkhangelsk, but also the Soviet forces of maintenance. Including the data of air reconnaissance owing to what the commander aircraft of Northern fleet general - lieutenant George Dzjuba began commander awards of British Empire. Former allies continue to meet, piously storing traditions of military years.
The veteran of the Arctic escorts - the secretary of the London section of the British club “Russian Escort” Gordon Long - the participant of so-called "drop" flights in our northern ports onboard transport “Empair recollects Scott”. In such campaigns transports went without protection. So, and losses appeared more considerable. “From 13 transports which have left England on summer 1942, three have come back at once. Five was lost in a way. We, moreover four vessels have reached Russia. All have gone to Arkhangelsk, and “Scott” unloaded in Murmansk. Terrible impression. Rocks with traces of snow in July! Pipes of the burnt houses there where the city and continuous air strikes once was... Already December, 30 have gone home in structure of escort RA.51. On “Empair Scott” has settled down a staff коммодора an escort that has not prevented us January, 11 the same year safely to throw an anchor in Loh-U... ” Such veteran humour... Despite of solid age, Gordon quite often it happens in Russia, being the main coordinator of the international communications of the club.
To other British veteran - to the commander of turbine group of a cruiser "Trinidad" to lieutenant Rajmondu Bollu carried in any way less. “Went in protaction escort PQ.13, - it recollects - Have cast lots with my friend to whom to go on the bottom watch in compartment N. Has dropped out to it. This night at reflection of attack of the German destroyers a cruiser “Trinidad” has fallen a victim... An own torpedo. On bitter irony the torpedo has pleased just in an ill-starred compartment. The friend was lost. Destiny... A«nON-mount in Murmansk A little. And May, 15 1942 on transition in Staffs for major overhaul have flown “gunnes”. The terrible fire began. The captain has ordered to leave the ship, and our destroyer “ Мэтчлесс ” has finished a cruiser torpedos...”
To Eric Robert Allen has carried. The ship Ocean Freedom on which it served as the warrant officer in escort PQ-17, has managed to reach with fights Arkhangelsk. From this flight the Bean still has many impressions: having escaped in terrible fight, young has got in absolutely unfamiliar country, representations about which were not positive. However on a coast the Bean has not seen bears, two heads monsters as assumed, and quite friendly Russian people, and has understood, that these seamen divided the same dangers and difficulties with Englishmen and Americans. And despite of official disapproval of such international friendship, it existed and sometimes came to an end a marriage between young Englishmen and Russian girls.
The second world was finished. On change to it not less severe cold war because it has tried to separate people which were rallied with life has come. Nevertheless with approach of publicity in the USSR former mistrust has gradually disappeared. And together with it memoirs about was have gushed and the desire again to meet. So Bean Allen has decided to establish communication with former participants of escort PQ-17. He has dispatched announcements in various local newspapers of seaports, including in the bulletin of Royal fleet. The result has surpassed all expectations as many people have responded. At holding organizational meeting was solved to accept in created club not only veterans PQ-17, but also participants of all other escorts (it was in total carried out 42 escorts in one side and as much back from the Union, all was involved 1440 ships). So there was club «Russian escort».
From the very beginning the club has faced with a problem. Not all members regularly could gather in one place, for this reason local branches of club were organized and magazine «Arctic patrol» (Arctic Lookout) which all veterans of "Russian escort" receive 3-4 times per one year is based. Other problem became that in Britain veterans seldom put on the form and then as distinctive marks members of club began to carry white береты (white color - a symbol of the Arctic ice as they explain). Due to these measures about club began to learn in all уголках light, now quantity of people which have entered club, has passed for three thousand.
First step for rapproachement of Russian and English veterans under the initiative in m. With. Gorbachev there was a rewarding veterans of Polar escorts by an anniversary medal in honour of a 40-anniversary of the Victory, it has taken place in 1985. For some reasons not all veterans have received awards, but the conflict was safely resolved by diligence of the Bean. However the government of Its Majesty long did not give the sanction to carrying of a medal. After veterans have awarded with a medal in honour of a 50-anniversary of the Victory. The second, and, probably, the big stride to rapproachement became first Russian - British naval doctrines "Дервиш" (Dervish - the name of the first military escort which has come in the Union) during which friendly attitudes were fastened many. Subsequently queen has decided to honour memory of victims in allied escorts: in 1997 in Sacred Paul's cathedral in London the memorable mark which says was established: «In memory of three thousand men and the women who were given out to life in the Arctic campaign 1941-1945 in escorts to Russia and from it. We shall remember them». A mark have placed on very place of honour: between tombs of admiral of Nelson and duke Vellingtona. Robert Allena's last important business became opening a memorial stone September, 11, 1999 on a coast of Kola bay.
In 1991 in Murmansk and in Arkhangelsk the joint celebrations devoted to anniversary of first allied escort "Dervish" or PQ-17 for the first time were held. With success has passed also its 60-years anniversary in 2001. Unfortunately, to generate a symbolical escort this time it was not possible. The quantity of fuel, release to the ships of the Russian fleet, has allowed to allocate only one watchman. And from the British party in sea parade one frigate has taken part. But the high diplomatic representatives reflected all national spectrum of countries - participants of an antihitlerite coalition. And on a stage well-known Mariinsky theatre the premiere Canadian an opera - requiem “Escort PQ-17” was held.
In 1991 in Murmansk and in Arkhangelsk the joint celebrations devoted to anniversary of first allied escort "Dervish" or PQ-17 for the first time were held. With success has passed also its 60-years anniversary in 2001. Unfortunately, to generate a symbolical escort this time it was not possible. The quantity of fuel, отпускаемое to the ships of the Russian fleet, has allowed to allocate only one сторожевик. And from the British party in sea parade one frigate has taken part. But the high diplomatic representatives reflected all national spectrum of countries - participants of an antihitlerite coalition. And on a stage well-known Мариинского theatre the premiere Canadian an opera - requiem “Escort PQ-17” was held.
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