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 НАЗАД Bredov Anatolii Fedorovich

          He was born in 1923. He had lived Staray Russa before he came to Murmansk. His father Fedor Mikhailovich Bredov has been a communist since 1917, a commissar of the Red Guard , a participant of the Civil War. In Murmansk he worked in the building organizations. His son Anatoley studied at school number 10. He was a good painter. Anatoley began working on the shipyard as a student of the electrician. At the same moment he studied in the evening classes. Anatoley entered Komsomol here. When the war began he worked on the re-equipment of the trawlers to the warships and on the defensive line’s erection. In April 1942 he was called in the army and after fighting preparation he has sent on the front. Anatoley was a machine-gunner and got the sergean rank. In October 1944 the infantry company in what Bredov’s machine-gun team has been fighted, got the task to cut off the road in the deep read of the 155 infantry regiment. After the multikilometre way on the lack of roads, company went to the Pechenga’s region and with march it had the fight. The one attack changed into another. The cartridge belt was finishing. But Anatoley Bredov executed an order with his friends, they didn’t cede strategical height to the enemy. He perished 11 October in 1944, he was blown up himself and enemies by the last grenade. In 1945, 24 March Anatoley Fedorovich Bredov was appropriated of the title “Hero of the Soviet Union” posthumously.

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