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 НАЗАД Aleksei Rodionovich Zinchenko

          From the information: Zinchenko Alekssei Rodionovich was born on March 20, 1914 in a village ?aeaii - Pokrovka nowadays Pavlogradskogo of area of Omsk area in family of the peasant. Has ended 5 classes, FZU, in 1937 - Bataiskuy local school of civil aircraft. On war since 1941. Comanded by a squadron 448-th air shelf by 281-st assault airdivision of 14 air army of the Volkhov front. By August, 1943 the grown-up lieutenant A.R.Zinchenko has made 98 battle starts on low-flying of military objects and alive force of the opponent. The rank of the Hero of the Soviet Union is appropriated to it on November 2, 1943. In 1948 has ended Maximum air rates AAN. Since 1953 the lieutenant colonel A.R.Zinchenko, retire in a stock, has put up at Leningrad. Is awarded with awards Eaieia, Red banner, Aeaenaiada Neva, Domestic war of 2 degree, medals.

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