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 НАЗАД Eisenhower Dwight David

          Eisenhower Dwight David (1890-1969), American state figure, 34-th president of USA in 1953-1961, from a Republican party(set), general of army (1944). Since December 1943 Supreme commanders -in-chief by forwarding armies of the allies in Europe. In 1945 odered about occupational by forces of USA in Germany. In 1950- 52 Supreme commanders -in-chief by the armed forces of NATO. In 1961 Eisenhower has acted with caution about growing influence of a military - industrial complex. Eisenhower Dwight David (October 14 1890, Denison, staff(state) of Texas of March 25 1969, Washington, district Colombia), American state and military figure, general of army, 34-th president of the united States of America (1953-61). The world(global) popularity was got within the Second world war as by(with) the Supreme commander -in-chief by forwarding forces of the allies in Europe.

       Childhood and youth Eisenhower have passed in small town Abilene, staff(state) of Kansas, where his(its) parents David and Aida Stover Eisenhowers have moved in 1891 of Texases in searches of work. Having ended high school in 1909, Eisenhower has continued formation(education) in Military academy in West - Poynt (1911-15). After the introduction of USA April 1917) was directed to the First world war (on preparation American volunteers in camp Kamp-Copt (Gettysburg, staff(state) Pennsylvania), though passionately dreamed to get on front. By the most significant events in his(its) further career were: a service in a zone of the Panama channel (1922-25); study at school of command structure and staff of army (1925); work by the assistant of the chief of a staff of army of the general D.Makartura (1933-35) and under his(its) management(manual) a service on Philippines (1935-39); purpose(assignment) by the chief of a staff of 3-rd army under command of the general In. Kruger (March - December 1941). Having borrowed(occupied) this post and successfully having lead(carried out) maneuvers in Louisiana, Eisenhower became the colonel, and then brigade general (by the end 1944 it(he) had five General of stars).

       After the introduction of USA into the second world war in December 1941 there is a prompt eminence Eisenhower from managing posts in a department military (then operative) planning in a staff of army, led by the general Marshall(December of June 1941 1942), up to the commander by the English-American forces in strategic approach of western allies in Northern Africa, Sicily and Italy (November of October 1942 1943). After at the Teheran conference (November 28 of December 1 1943) the final decision on opening of the second front was accepted, Eisenhower became the Supreme commander -in-chief by forwarding forces. The choice of his(its) nominee was dictated to that in the Mediterranean campaign it(he) has proved the ability to supervise over the English-American incorporated staff and to oder about by joint battle(dashing) actions of the allies. As the most significant achievement as the commander Eisenhower considered(counted) landing English-American landing at coast Normandy on June 6 1944 (day "Д"), and Rhine campaign (February March 1945).

       After capitulations of Germany, were in the chapter American occupational of forces (May November 1945), Eisenhower supported the friendly attitudes(relations) with ZHukov also trusted in an opportunity of continuation of the Coviet - American cooperation. The evolution of the general Eisenhower , awarded by the Soviet award of a Victory, on a position of the supporter " of cold war " has taken place by the end of his(its) stay in a post of the chief of a staff of the American army (1945-47). As to the first Commander -in-chief by the incorporated armed forces of NATO (October of June 1950 1952) belongs to it(him) a main role in reequipment of Western Germany and preparation of its(her) subsequent introduction in this military - political block.

       Becoming the president (January 1953), Eisenhower has put the end to war in Korea and aspired to renew the Soviet-American meetings top-level (Geneva, 1955 and Kamp - David, 1959). At the same time it(he) was firmly convinced of a reality communistic of threat and necessity of strengthening of the American national safety. The basis of his(its) official defensive policy(politics) was made by(with) the doctrine " massed of punishment ", providing substantial growth of strategic aircraft with the nuclear weapon onboard and opportunity of drawing of sudden nuclear impact till USSR and PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA. " The Doctrine of clearing " (concerning the countries of East Europe) and "Eisenhower the doctrine " (with reference to the countries of the third world) also were by the important components of a rate of the president and his(its) state secretary G. F.Dallesa on preservation behind USA of a role of the world(global) leader.

       The second term of presidency Eisenhower (after re-elections 1956) was marked by intervention of the American armies in Lebanon (1958) and incident with the prospecting plane У-2, brought down above territory USSR, that has resulted in failure of meeting with N.S. Khrushyov in 1960.

       After a leaving(care) in a resignation Eisenhower gradually has departed active political activity. In the age of 78 years has died in military hospital, is buried in Abilene in territory of a memorial museum and presidential library.

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