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 НАЗАД Deev Vladimir Nikolaevich

          From the biographic information: was born Vladimir Nikolaevich on January 21, 1925 in Omsk. In 1938 with the parents has moved to Ulyanovsk. After the termination seven years worked at a factory. In the summer of 1942 in Sevastopol iae by death brave his senior brother - Arkadii. And then Vladimir persistently achieves, that it should have called in army. Since 1943 it at the front. Participates in fights under Leningrad and in Estonia. Among first forced the river Narva. Carrying away the comrade in approach, has suppressed platoon, has set fire to the tank and seven motor vehicles of the opponent. When the clearing of Estonia was already finished, in one of fights was wounded. Has died in hospital of October 29, 1944. The rank of the Hero of the Soviet Union is appropriated to it posthumously by the Decree from March 24, 1945. Is buried on a cemetery about Kingiseppa. There is to it a monument in Ulyanovsk. The name V.N.Deev names a settlement in Estonia, in the street Kingiseppa and Ulyanovsk. The journalist and brother-soldier of the Hero V.N.Kondrateev, describing transient fight for hamlet Indu, informs that Vladimir Deev grenade has forced to break off a German machine gun. But here beside the mine has become torn. The hospital attendants have born Deeva from a strip of fire. It has asked the comrade: «Write to the mum: has died at once, on a field of fight … So to the mum it will be easier … »

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