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 НАЗАД Konstantin Savelevich Alekseenko

          From the letter of the daughter of the HeroValentini Konstantinovni: «During Domestic war to me there were, on its beginning, only 6 years. For certain biography of the father to describe to me it is simply impossible. However, not looking on small age, war I well remember. From the mum I know, that the daddy and his mother, my grandmother, before war were in Krasnodar territory. In Omsk area it was born, lived, it seems, till 16-17 of years. His father, sewed mine the grandfather, under the stories, during occupation of Krasnodar Territory footwear for guerrilla. Was given. germans it have shot in 1942. The house set smith. The grandmother has remained is alive, but was touched by mind. She has died in 1943. The father from the letter has learned about destruction of the father. It told about hatred, which has captured it then ». In materials assembled P.S.Malceva , there are certificates that K.S.Alekseenko has left on front at the desire in August, 1942. In two months has taken part in first I fight at protection of mountain transition in area of Sochi - Lazarevskaia. Has received a wound. After hospitals has got on « a Light-blue line » defenses germans in areas of station Moldavanskoi of the Crimean area of Krasnodar Territory. The second wound. Have sent in Derbentskii hospital. Therefrom - in Krasnodar. Landing on Kerchenskii a peninsula here prepared. From memoirs Konstantin Savelevich Alekseenko: «the Landi Night dark. There was a fine rain. The strong gusty wind blew. When dawned (November 3, 1943), the task was given to our group to clear an anonymous mountain, from which germens order bombardment of area of a ferry of our armies. With the commander of a platoon have examined ways of the approach and have begun liquidation of the fascists. A part the soldier have begun storm of height, having opened heavy machine-gun fire. Other group, in which chapter there was I, has gone to germens to rear and attacked their trenches. Germans have run. So height was cleared of an enemy. Our armies have had an opportunity free to conduct a ferry». I, has gone to germens to rear and attacked their trenches. Germans have run. So height was cleared of an enemy. Our armies have had an opportunity free to conduct a ferry ». The memoirs E.S. Alekseenko are made in 1971 for the book « the Heroes of fights for Crimea ». His name is immortalized in museums of Kerch, Tihorecka, Krasnodar, in the names of streets of these cities. There are now materials about ours countryman and in a museum Gorkovskogo of area. In one of the documents is spoken: « the Name of the brave younger commander Konstantina Savelevica Alekseenko, correct son and defense counsel of a native Land, rattles in all parts 56 armies … - So the commander a shelf wrote about guards the sergeant, representing it to the award … - Boldness and the courage of the sergeant Alekseenko surprises many. Especially has shown itself in fights on Kerchensom a peninsula ». The branch siberian not only successfully worked at landing, providing capture beach-head, but also has broken counter-attack of an enemy. From the information prepared P.S.Malcev: «Konstantin Savelevich Alekseenko, was born on September 28, 1912 in a village Roshino nowadays Gorkovskogo of area of Omsk area. In 1928 together with the parents has moved to Krasnodar territory, there worked to the improvised shoemaker, accountant. Two his senior brothers remained to live on a native land. They were lost on Domestic war. The third brother was lost also. For a feat in Kerchenskii of operation K.S.Alekseenko the rank of the Hero of the Soviet Union is appropriated. In the subsequent fights it in third times was hardly wounded in both legs and hand. After long treatment again was at war. Get be demobilized in July, 1945. Behind that was nominated as the chief of state farms of Krasnodar Territory and Arkhangelsk area, and last years - manager oil base of station Hoperskoi, in which has put up since 1955. Is awarded with an award Lenina, medals. Has died on April 28 1980 ».

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